Roberta Flack WE LOVE YOU

In Tribute: Roberta Flack

Roberta Flack with Na Lei Hulu dancers in 2011

Members of Nā Lei Hulu following a performance with Roberta Flack in 2011.

from Kumu Patrick

One of our most special hālau memories was when we danced “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face” for a Valentine’s Day concert with Roberta at the SF Opera House in 2011. During our first rehearsal she said, “I can’t watch, it’s so beautiful it will make me cry.” I thought, “I should have retired right then and there. Does it get better than that?” Mahalo, Roberta, for loving our hula so much; we were and still are utterly thrilled and honored.

We were privileged to be invited to fly to NY and dance for Roberta in her home after she was diagnosed with ALS. She found hope and inspiration in the power of art through friends who would sing and play for her. We were between Nona Hendryx and Alicia Keys.

Roberta loved hula and we would send her videos from time to time of us dancing a song for her and letting the audience show their love to this incredible artist. We shared our aloha with her in this video (featuring Jana Anguay Alcain and Roz Catracchia) from Grace Cathedral Saturday, February 22nd.

Rest in aloha, dear Roberta.



Watch our final aloha message from a showcase of The Epic Tale of Hiʻiaka at Grace Cathedral.


Rest in Paradise Roberta Flack … we love you!